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How to design your successful freelancing career

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This hands-on guide will show you how to design your freelancing business successfully.

Before we dive into creating your strategy, I first would like to point out the most important:

This guide will help you ensure that your service is the solution to your client’s problems.

Step 1: Find out who your clients are!

Well, this point looks, at first sight, maybe ridiculous. Everyone who needs your service might be your client. But, no, that's wrong – well, in theory, that might be true, but you'll need to decide for whom you wish to work to position your service on the market. Defining your target group will make your potential client understand that you're the right fit.

We all know that the way of communication differs depending on whom we're talking to. Regarding your ideal client, you'll write the content on your website; you'll decide where you try to attract new clients and, of course, decide more detailed what you wish to offer. So you see – it's not that evident.

2. Step: What relationship is your client asking for?

As you now know, who your target group is, you'll be able to understand what they'll expect from you. Do they search for personal assistance, communities, self-service, or something completely different? Is it maybe a mixture of several options? Of course, you'll also need to ask yourself how to implement this in your strategy.

3. Step: On which channels can you reach your client?

I know that you'll agree when I say that this question is an important one. You already know your PERSONA, but now you need to find out where and when you can reach your wished client best. As you already see, it's not just the location. Also, the timing is essential. So ensure that your strategy includes all aspects.

As we have already reached the first one-third, there's a PRO-TIP:

Make sure all the steps are optimized and fit smoothly together.

4. Step: What is your value proposition?

Let's get back to the guide's intro – "You're the solution to a problem!" Again, this is the key to your success. Only if your service solves a problem for your potential clients will they book it! If you're offering different services, check if all of them are for the same target group. If not – make sure to create a second strategy. Don't mix it up – it will not work!

5. Step: With whom do you wish to work together?

Working as a freelancer comes with many challenges, so let's make your life easier and find some key partners. Are there other freelancers who offer a service that is related to yours? Does it maybe make sense to set up joint ventures? One side-note, but I guess that's a straightforward thing, no matter what partnerships you want to enter into - make sure that both parties benefit from it.

6. Step: What´s most important to get your frelancing running?

Depending on your freelaning, you'll need to check what is most important to make it happen. Find out what is critical to creating the customer relationship your clients expect. What key activities does your value proposition require? Is there something else you need to set up so your freelancing business will boom?

7. What does your freelancing need?

Now we're coming to an exciting part of designing your strategy. You can now answer this question based on our previous research and insights. What does it need to make your freelancing run? Do you need resources in the type of humans, financial, physical, or what else is necessary to implement?

8 Step: Let´s talk about money!

Let's talk about money. But hey, stop – you're not starting any fancy calculation. Before you can do this, you first need to define the revenue stream. So how will you earn money? Another obvious question – and again, it's not that clear. Not always our client pays us -wait, are you serious? Yes! One example: Think about all the apps you're using on your phone. Are all of them paid apps? I guess no. So, how does the programmer of the app make money out of it? One option might be that he places an advertisement in the app. So also in your case, there are different options for earning money. And also, the way you charge your client might vary from getting a single product, signing up for a membership, or paying an hourly rate. So let's determine your client's expectations and set your revenue stream.

9. Step: What does it cost you?

As you know a lot about our freelancing strategy, you must consider your cost structure. Which of your essential resources and activities are most expensive? By thinking about this question, you'll identify the outlays. Again, you're not starting the calculation but spot the leading figures.

Do you wish to get support in setting up your freelancing career? Book your Discovery Kit now. Let´s find out how I can support you best.